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Charbagh Street Satisfies Lovely Walking

The Plane trees have grown and the tunnel in Charbagh Street takes you deeper into the narrations of the past centuries.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Introduction to CharBagh Street

Roads such as Charbagh Street were established to help human make his dream, visiting the lands over the seas, because true unaware that it was not about the destination; It was all about the path through which he would go, and so much of the magic of voyage would have happened there. At the time when Europe was experiencing the lighting days of Renaissance and stepping into the Age of Enlightenment, Isfahan, the magnificent city with turquoise domes and one of the most important trade centers, thanking the new King of Safavid dynasty, was hitting into the novel transition of turning into one of the most important capitals of the time.
Charbagh Street, Isfahan travel attraction

The Street History

The Safavid King who had just moved the capital from the city of Qazvin, were likely to create the appearance in the same way as their mother land was so, they created vast gardens with pergolas and mansions. Soon, there was a city with magnificent, heaven-like gardens and a long street crossing though them all, which would lead the caravans to the south of Isfahan. It would connect the Governmental Gate of Isfahan to the Shiraz Gate, on the other side of the city, on the south side of the Zayandeh Rood River, passing through the Si-o-Se Pol Bridge. Due to dividing the city in 4 parts with enchanting gardens, this street was named as Chahar Bagh (Four Gardens) which in the colloquial language is known as Charbagh.
Charbagh Street, Isfahan travel attraction

Architecture of Charbagh Street

The formation of the Persian gardens was regularly in four which is a sign of a complete formation which refers to square and the four regular sides. This design is an ancient architectural element which is seen through the history, in the design of the Persepolis Garden in Shiraz City. The number for also refers to the four holy elements of the creation; Water, Wind, Soil, and Fire.

As you would begin walking through the Charbagh Street, You would find yourself in a tunnel of enchanting, delightful Plane Trees that continued to the shores of the Zayandeh Rood River. Four gardens were located on the both sides of the Charbagh Street each included a charming mansion. One of them was the Chehel Sotoon Mansion located on the left side of the street.
Charbagh Street, Isfahan travel attraction

Charbagh Gate

Speaking about the Governmental Gate, this gate would end to the trade center of the city; Naqsh-e Jahan Square where the ruling palace of the Safavid king was stablished on its western side. This Palace was connected to the Chehel Sotoon Mansion by a path named the Royal Path; This would end to the Charbagh Street. That’s why the northern part of the Charbagh Street as Charbagh Abbasi. After crossing through the tree tunnel of Charbagh Street, now we’ve gotten to the Si-o-Se Pol Bridge, after crossing which, we would get to the southern side of the Charbagh Street, known as Charbagh Bala (the Upper Charbagh).
Charbagh Street, Isfahan travel attraction

Charbagh Naming

Got confused? What just happened?! Upper Charbagh on the southern side!?! We will hit to this in the story of the Safavid Dynasty. After centuries, during the region of the Pahlavi Dynasty Charbagh Abbasi was continued to the north named as the Charbagh Pa’in (Down Charbagh).

Nowadays, you can see the people taking a walk in the afternoon and recording their memories using flashing boxes; The Plane trees have grown and the tunnel takes you deeper into the narrations of the past centuries, when the caravans would cross the street to pass through the bridge to begin another journey to a novel destination.


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