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Bagher Khan Is A Symbol of Independence

Bagher Khan was born in 1868 and become favorite general of all his fighters because of his heroism and courage.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Introducing the character of Baqer Khan

Bagher Khan was one of the protesters of the constitutional movements. He was born in 1240 AD in Khiaban Alley in Tabriz. His job was to build, but he joined the Mojahedin during the constitutional period. He was in charge of the Mojahedin group in his neighborhood. After shelling the parliament, he and Sattar Khan engaged in a war with the army that besieged Tabriz.

Bagher Khan, as the National Chieftain

Simultaneously, Sattar Khan, nicknamed Sardar Melli, was fighting the government in Amirkhiz neighborhood, another alley in Tabriz. His cooperation with Sattar Khan caused Tabriz to get out of the siege. After the Mojahedin’svictory, the National Assembly renamed Bagher Khan as the National Chieftain and praised him.

As the history of constitutionalism testifies, due to the efforts of Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan, constitutionalism was established, but it did not take long for Tabriz to fall to the Russian army. Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan did not stay in Tabriz and moved to Tehran. Constitutionalist leaders warmly welcomed the two in Tehran.

The Story of Baqer Khan’s Death

Bagher Khan lived alone in Tehran until the issue of immigration arose. He accompanied the immigrants, but one night near Qasr Shirin, Kermanshah, some Kurds attacked him and his companions and killed him. Bagher Khan died along with eighteen of his companions in November 1295. His tomb is located in Mafakht Tabriz Park.

Star Khan movie

You might be interested to know that the movie, Sattar Khan, was made with the theme of the Constitutional Movement in 1351. The story of this movie takes place during the constitutional era. The director of this movie was Ali Hatami, and Enayat Bakhshi played the role of Sattar Khan.

After the Islamic Revolution of 1978, a street in the west of Tehran was named after him. Other statues and monuments have also been erected in his memory in Tehran and other cities in Persia.

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